Cub Scout Pack 61 General Information

Cub Scouts are a part of the Boy Scouts of America for girls and boys in 1st through 5th grades.  The Cub Scout experience includes fun, excitement, outdoor opportunities and a chance to participate in a program which emphasizes participation, “doing your best,” and helping others.  Youth safety is the highest priority of Scouting.  Screened and trained volunteer parents lead each Den and the Pack.  Cub Scouting is for Scouts, parents, and their families together, as they work and learn with their girls and boys to gain new skills and experiences. It is a proven fact that when parents are involved with their Scout, the Scout will be more engaged, learn more and continue the program longer, maybe even becoming an Eagle scout in high school!

Cub Scouts:

  • Experience new physical skills through games, crafts, camping, and sports
  • Learn how to get along with others through group activities
  • Are encouraged to respect themselves, their home, country and other people
  • Develop values that will assist them in making appropriate decisions in the future

Pack 61:

  • Is one of the oldest packs in the Pacific Skyline Council, with 76+ years of history serving the Belmont/Redwood Shores community
  • Is chartered by the American Legion Post 585 in San Carlos
  • Accepts both boys and girls into our Pack
  • Manages Dens by age/grade level for both boys and girls
  • Requests that families attend their Den and Pack meetings regularly, or as much as possibly each month

Den Meetings:

  • Monthly Den Meetings are at a specific location as planned by the Den
  • Meetings include activities to progress toward rank awards, plus games, crafts, sharing, songs, ceremonies and lots of fun. Dens often have a monthly field trip activity.
  • Dens are led by the parents of the Scouts in the Den (aka “Akelas,” meaning “adult leaders”). Two parents in each Den volunteer to serve as trained Co-Leaders.
  • Cub Scout Den meetings require at least one parent or guardian to attend along with their Cub Scout (it is not a drop off program).

Pack Meetings:

  • All of the Dens meet together as a Pack, typically on the 2nd or 3rd Friday (holidays will shift) of each month from 7:00pm to 8:30pm in the Nesbit Elementary multi-purpose room.
  • Meetings have various activities, including presentations of skits, achievement awards, skills activities, and special races of cars, boats or rockets the Scouts make with their Akelas.

Optional weekend Pack activities include:

  • Camping:  Fall, Spring and Summer at the Council’s campground in the Santa Cruz Mountains
  • Community:  Levee Cleanup, Flower Planting, Memorial Day Grave Decoration, Scouting for Food, Toy Drive, Costume Donation, Eyeglass Donations, Caroling, Save the Music
  • Fun:  Summer Packtivities, Collections, Geocaching, Water Rockets, Stanford Scout Night, Racing, Picnics, Games, Summer Day Camp
  • Nature:  Hikes, Camping, Bike Rides, Orienteering, Animal Encounters, Service Projects
  • Overnighters:  Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, Pampanito Submarine, USS Hornet, Cal Academy, SJ Giants Campout, Scout campsites
  • Unique Scouting Events:  Milk Carton Boat Race & BBQ, Pinewood Derby, Space Derby, Raingutter Regatta and Scout-O-Rama

The Pack’s registration fee for new Scouts is $255, which covers national and local application fees, neckerchief, badges and awards, and Pack Meeting activities.  The fee is kept lower with the help of funds raised by Scouts’ Fall Popcorn Sales.

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